Construct the gel sandwich and insert into caster – Hoefer SE640 User Manual
Page 16

Construct the gel sandwich and insert
into caster
Prepare the caster and clamps
Place the spirit level into the caster center and adjust
the leveling feet. Loosen all clamp screws and make
space for the sandwich by sliding the pressure plates
toward the screws.
Construct each gel sandwich
For each sandwich, choose two perfectly clean
unchipped glass plates and two spacers. Lay one
plate on a flat surface, lay the Spacer Mate spacer
positioning guide onto the plate (wide side at the top
of the plate), place a spacer along each edge, and lay
the second glass plate on top.
Secure the sandwich with clamps
Slide one clamp at a time along the sandwich sides.
Finger tighten one screw on each clamp, set the
sandwich upright on a flat surface, and loosen the
screw to align the stack. Take great care in aligning to
ensure a seal. Finger tighten all screws. Remove the
both top and bottom
sandwich edges must
be flush with the
clamp guide ridges.
Fig 2. Sandwich assembly.
Inspect glass plates for nicks.
Use only unchipped plates to
prevent leaking.
Tip: Use the casting cradle
to hold the sandwich during
alignment. Remove the lami-
nated gasket from the cradle
and, instead of setting the
sandwich upright on a flat
surface, set it into the cast-
ing cradle.