Hoefer SE400 User Manual
Page 43

Note: Some bleaching
may occur if using Destain
solution II as a stop solution.
Soak the gel in 500 ml of deionized water overnight.
The next day, rinse the gel with several changes of
deionized water over 30–60 minutes.
D. Place the gel in 100–200 ml of 5 µg/ml DTT in
deionized water for 30 minutes.
E. Pour off the DTT solution but do not rinse the gel.
Add 100 ml of silver nitrate solution directly to the
gel. Shake gently for 30 minutes and then rinse
the gel for 1–2 seconds with deionized water.
F. Add 50 ml of developer solution, quickly swirl the
gel, and pour off developer. Repeat once more.
Add 100 ml of developer and agitate until the
bands are visible. Be sure to stop the development
before the background becomes significant by
neutralizing the solution with 5 ml of stop solution.
Alternatively, pour off developer and add 100 ml
Destain solution II.
G. Wash the gel in 2–3 changes of deionized water.
Keep the gel in Destain solution II or dry it for
permanent storage.