Hoefer SE400 User Manual
Page 26

Note: Do not force the cams.
If encountering unusual
resistance, disassemble the unit
and inspect clamp and glass
alignment along the top of the
sandwich. Align and reinstall
the upper chamber.
Note: If the assembly leaks,
take the assembly to a sink and
partially release the cams to
allow buffer to drain.
Remove the upper chamber,
check alignment of all sandwich
components, and adjust if
Pour ~100 ml of electrophoresis buffer into the upper
chamber, directing the buffer stream against the wall
to avoid disturbing the samples. Inspect the installation
for leaks. Fill both chambers (the final volume for each
chamber is ~350 ml).
Safety lid installation.
Built-in safety features require that all three guides are
properly placed (see Fig 8).
Plug the color-coded leads into the jacks of an
approved power supply (min. 50 mA, 300 V). Plug the
red lead into the red output jack and the black lead
into the black output jack. In most systems, the red
lead, which is connected to the bottom electrode, is
the anode (+), and the black lead, connected to the
top electrode, is the cathode (–).