Harken 430 Single Line Reefing User Manual

Page 6

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A. If there is a mast collar, remove the eyestrap and

shackle the block to the collar. Alternatively, install the

block with eyestrap to the deck.

Position the eyestrap on the deck below the bullseye.

Align the legs of the eyestrap so they are in line with

the line direction to the deflector block or deck orga-

nizer. Consider the location of the back-up nuts below

deck when planning the block’s location of the mast

base block. See tip below.

Drill holes and apply a high quality marine sealant to

the holes. See tip below. Install the block assembly. Use

a back-up plate or large diameter washers inside the

cabin top to back up the hardware.

Drill size - 13/64” (5mm)
Mounting Hardware
2 10-32 X 1




” Roundhead screws

2 Washers
2 Lockwashers
2 10-32 Nuts
Marine Sealant – Use to seal holes - See tip below.


Step 6 Installing Deck Hardware

General Instructions

Detailed Instructions

A. Mount mast base block directly below the bullseye

and position so block is angled towards the deflector

block or deck organizer.

Installation Tip – Beveling Top Edge of Hole

After drilling through deck, slightly round off the top edge of the

holes with a small knife. This way, when the sealant is applied, it

will mass around the screw providing a good durable water seal.

B. The deflector block is used to turn the reefing line so

it does not interfere with the companionway hatch or

other obstructions on the cabin top:

1) Place so line runs in straight fore/aft direction to cleat.

2) Keep block aft and inboard to reduce load.

3) Check for suitable position for back-up nut and washers.

4) Rotate so it bisects line angle.

Drill holes, apply marine sealant and install using:

Drill size -




” (5mm)

Mounting Hardware

10-32 X 1




” Roundhead screws






10-32 Nuts

Marine sealant – Use to seal holes.

C. You will need to supply a cleat or line stopper for

the Single Line Reefing system and hardware to mount

it. Mount the cleat in a convenient spot within easy

reach of the cockpit, near the main halyard cleat if pos-

sible. Make sure the cleat or line stopper is through-

bolted and has a suitable back-up plate or washers.

C. Install cleat or line stopper at a convenient spot on

the cabin top near the main halyard cleat.

B. Install deflector block so line runs in fore/aft direction

to cleat.




Beveling Top Edge of Hole

Mount so it bisects

line angle and is aft

and inboard to reduce

load on block.


block aft

Mast base



Installation Tip – Planning Location of Deck Hardware

It is important to plan the location of all deck hardware before

mounting the mastbase block, deflector block and cleat. The

position of one block depends on the location of the other block

or cleat. In addition, you must consider the location and

accessibility of back up hardware inside the cabin top.