Correct incorrect correct incorrect – Harken TTR AirBlock User Manual

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WARNING: Do not attach loop using choker method shown below as

this will considerably weaken block so it can easily break under load

causing an accident, damage to vessel, personal injury or death.

WARNING: Attach loop/lashing only through mouth of sheave.

Attaching line to or through block head will considerably weaken

block so it can easily break under load causing an accident,

damage to your vessel, personal injury or death.

Attach Block

1. Lash loop to head of block

with small control line using

square knot. Run line ends up

and behind lashing, then down

and under itself on each side

of knot. Pull tight to secure.

2. Secure stop knot by carefully

melting line ends with a hot knife.

WARNING: If lashing comes loose, block can flip and cause line

to jam, resulting in loss of control. This can lead to an accident,

damage to your vessel, personal injury or death.

If lashing comes loose block

can flip so that sheet rides

off sheave.


Lash Block Head

TTRs can be set up as becket or fiddle blocks. Attach becket or secondary

block to anchor point. Lash to head and upper part of mouth as shown.

WARNING: Attaching becket or secondary block to primary block

will weaken block so it may break under load causing an accident,

damage to vessel, personal injury or death.

Use as Becket/Fiddle Block

Anchor Point Chafing or Cutting

Loops must be attached to round bails such as those found on padeyes

or pins. Sharp edges on many perforated toerails will cut loop, severely

weakening it. When loop is attached to a plate, it must be at least 1/4"

thick and have rounded edges to keep loop from being damaged.

Sharp edges will

damage loop

Round edges to prevent

damage to loop



WARNING: Loops or lashings running over a sharp edge can cause

part to break under load causing an accident, damage to your

vessel, personal injury or death.