5 ports – Guralp Systems Scream User Manual

Page 87

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User guide

The collection and transmission of Mux channels is controlled using

the Mux Channels pane:

If a tick is placed in the box next to a channel, its data will be collected
and transmitted as a data stream in GCF format, just as with the

normal data channels. To indicate that the data comes from a Mux
channel, the Stream ID will take the form ****Mx, where M stands for

Mux and x is a hexadecimal integer (i.e. 0 – 9, and A – F for 10 through

Depending on the type of digitiser you connect, Scream! may be able

to replace the legends with descriptions appropriate to the digitiser.
For example, on DM24 digitisers, the Mux channels M8, M9 and MA
appear with the legends Z, N/S and E/W Mass Position respectively, as

shown above.

7.5 Ports

The Ports pane of the Configuration set-up window allows you to

program the baud rate and stop bits for the digitiser's output port.

The baud rate you choose must satisfy two conditions:

It must be high enough to allow all the transmission of all data
generated by the digitiser at the sampling rates you have chosen.
For three streams of data at 100 Hz, for example, 9,600 baud will

January 2014