Guralp Systems Scream User Manual
Page 118

Scream! 4.5
If your acquisition equipment only has FTP access to the
computer running Scream!, you can gather data into GCF files
and transfer them every so often into the autoload directory,
where Scream! will process them next time it is running; or
You can set up a separate script on your computer that
periodically fetches GCF files from a Web server.
Once a file has finished playing back, Scream! deletes it from the
autoload directory. If you want to keep the data, you will have to
re-record them from Scream! into a directory that you specify. If
Scream! cannot delete it, it remembers the file so that it does not try
and replay it again. However, if you exit Scream! and restart, Scream!
will replay the file if it is still there.
Data from the autoload directory will not be transmitted over the
Issue K