FSR TwisterPro User Manual
Page 5

high horizontal lines.
•Standard SMPTE color bars.
•A full width one on/one off burst pattern.
These test patterns will need to be output from the source equipment
(computer, DVD player, etc.) that you intend to connect to the TPRO
If possible, perform a display calibration without the TPRO by connect-
ing the source directly to the display device using a short (less than 25
foot) video cable. Use the burst pattern to set the display size, phase and
pitch as per the display manufacturers instructions. Most displays will
have an “auto sync” function that will get you close, but might require
some additional fi ne-tuning.
Once the display is set, connect the source and display to the TPRO sys-
tem components.
GAIN adjustment:
Set the GAIN adjustment to the minimum (full CCW) setting. If using
the TPRO skew compensated receiver, make sure the delay settings for R,
G, and B are all at “0”.
Using the crosshatch test pattern, slowly increase the GAIN setting until
the vertical lines are nearly as bright as the horizontal lines. In general,
you will have to set the vertical lines a little dimmer than the horizontal
or you will have too much peaking.
You can check for over peaking by using the SMPTE color bars and
looking for two or three overly bright vertical lines at the beginning of
each color transition. If this occurs, back the GAIN pot off slightly.
Once you are happy with the EQ setting, set the delay skew if available.
SKEW adjustments (Skew models only):
The object of the delay skew adjustment is to merge the separate red,
green, and blue vertical lines into a solid white line.
Using the crosshatch test image, identify the left most color in each verti-
cal line of the image.
Select the “Next” push buttons on the TPRO to “toggle” to this color.
The LED for the selected color will light.
Now use the “Left” and “Right” push buttons as needed to merge this
color with the right most vertical line in the image. The color LED will
begin to fl ash when the left or right push button reaches the end of it’s
range. Setting are automatically stored after 5 seconds of no changes.
Then adjust the remaining color line to merge with the fi rst two lines.
Once you have adjusted the skew, use the burst pattern to fi ne-tune the
display’s phase adjustment.
These last two steps may be repeated to optimize the image quality.