Setup instructions for ceiling box smart module

Your CB Ceiling Box model is equipped with load sensing circuitry to allow the four switched
AC receptacles to automatically turn on and off with the projector. The current drawn by any
loads plugged in to the two “UNSWITCHED, SENSED RECEPTACLES” is monitored. When
the current exceeds the sense threshold indicating that the projector has turned on, the four
“SWITCHED RECEPTACLES” and cooling fan are turned on. When the projector is turned
back off, the decrease in current draw tells the sense circuitry to turn off the four switched
receptacles and cooling fan. The circuit can reliably sense a change of 50 watts. Hysteresis is
built in to avoid false triggering.
Setting the Current Sense Threshold:
1. Connect the projector or other load to be sensed to one of the two “UNSWITCHED,
SENSED” receptacles provided.
2. Ensure the projector is in the off mode.
3. Slowly turn the “SENSE THRESHOLD ADJUST” pot counter-clockwise until the
“RELAY ON” LED illuminates. Note the pot position.
4. Turn the projector to the on or active mode.
5. Slowly turn the “SENSE THRESHOLD ADJUST” pot clockwise until the “RELAY ON”
LED extinguishes. Note the position of the pot.
6. Set the pot to the middle of the settings noted in steps 3 and 5.
7. Test the setting by turning the projector on and off and noting that the “RELAY ON” LED
follows the projector state. There may be a delay of a few seconds when turning the
projector off. This is a normal condition.
External control option:
If desired, the switched receptacles and fan can be controlled from an external dry contact
closure. Simply move the Fan (-) wire from the “SENSE OUT” terminal to the “RELAY IN”
terminal and connect the dry contact from “RELAY IN” to “GND”. When the “RELAY IN” is
connected to “GND” the switched receptacles and fan will turn on. The dry contact must be
rated at 12VDC@ 0.25 Amps or higher.