Values in display modes 'today / year / total – Fronius Agilo 75.0 User Manual
Page 70
Values in display modes 'TODAY / YEAR / TOTAL'
Choose display
mode 'TODAY /
Values in display
modes 'TODAY /
First value in display mode 'TODAY'
First value in display mode 'YEAR'
First value in display mode 'TOTAL'
Choose display mode 'TODAY' or
display mode 'YEAR' or
display mode 'TOTAL'
The first value in the selected display
mode appears.
Scroll to the next display value using
the 'Down' key
Scroll back up using the 'Up' key
Energy Supplied
Energy fed into the grid during the period in ques-
tion (kWh / MWh)
Press the 'Enter' key to display the day character-
istic (only in display mode 'TODAY')
Day characteristic
Displays a plot showing the power output during
the day. The time axis is scaled automatically.
Press the 'Back' key to remove the display
There may be discrepancies with values displayed on other measuring instruments be-
cause of differences in measuring methods. As far as adding up the energy fed in is con-
cerned, the only binding display values are those produced by the calibrated measuring
device provided by the electricity supply company.