Deltech Fitness PYRAMID 8000 User Manual
Series compressed breathing air purifiers

Installation, Operating and
Maintenance Manual
Improper use of this equipment
may cause illness, injury or death.
This instruction manual must be read by everyone
who installs or works with this equipment.
Bulletin 289 Rev. F (10/99)
Copyright ©1999 Flair-New Castle, Inc.
Printed in USA
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Ta ble of Con tents
- Ta bles
- Ta ble I Max i mum Al low able Car bon Mon ox ide Con cen tra tion 1
- Ta ble II Pu ri fier Di men sions* 3
- Ta ble III Pu ri fier Spec i fi ca tions 3
- Ta ble IV Sys tem Op er a tion Mon i tor In di cating Lights 6
- Ta ble V Air and Re frig er ant Tem per a tures 7
- Ta ble VI In ter me di ate Air Tem per a ture 8
- Ta ble VII Pu ri fier Sizing Cor rec tion Fac tors 9
- Ta ble VIII Pu ri fier Di men sions* 22
- La bels and Fig ures
- 8DM Se ries In struc tion Plate Part No. 44DE127B 1
- Dan ger La bel: Grossly Con tam i nated Air Part No. 56DE152A 2
- Pu ri fier Data Plate Part No. 44DE23A 2
- Fig ure 1. Air and Re frig er ant Flow Di a gram 4
- Fig ure 2. Sys tem Op er a tion Mon i tor 5
- Warn ing La bel: Switch Must Be On Part No. 44DE112A 10
- Dan ger La bel: Pu ri fier Will Not Op er ate Part No. 58DE23A 10
- Dan ger La bel: Parts of Cir cuit May Be En er gized Part No. 58DE27A 10
- Dan ger La bel: Parts of Cir cuit May Be En er gized Part No. 58DE27A 10
- Dan ger La bel: Parts of Cir cuit May Be En er gized Part No. 58DE27A 11
- Dan ger La bel: Ex plo sion Haz ard Part No. 56DE194A 11
- Cau tion La bel: Use of Char coal El e ment Part No. 56DE197A 12
- Dan ger La bel: Use of Cat a lyst Ves sel Part No. 56DE196A 12
- Fig ure 3. Sys tem Op er a tion Mon i tor Board Lay out 14
- Fig ure 4a. Elec tri cal sche maticŠModels 8DM25, 8DM50 and 8DM50-E75 16
- Fig ure 4b. Elec tri cal sche maticŠModels 8DM75, 8DM100 and 8DM150 17
- Fig ure 4c. Elec tri cal sche maticŠModels 8DM150-E5/E55 18
- Fig ure 5a. Car tridge lo ca tionsŠModel 8DM25 19
- Fig ure 5b. Car tridge lo ca tionsŠModels 8DM50 and 8DM75 20
- Fig ure 5c. Car tridge lo ca tionsŠModels 8DM100 and 8DM150 21
- Models 8DM25, 8DM50 and 8DM75 22
- Models 8DM100 and 8DM150 22