Pca test screen (end of test mode) – Fluke Biomedical IDA-4 Plus User Manual
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IDA-4 Plus
Operators Manual
PCA Test Screen (End of Test Mode)
This view of the FLOW TEST screen allows the
operator to save, print or discard the results.
This saves the results of the PCA test to non-volatile
memory for later printing or transfer to a computer via
the RS232 port.
Save & Print
This saves the results as described above, then sends a
report to a printer connected to the printer port on the
instrument. The report will be in either full or summary
format, as previously selected by the operator from the
This sends a report to a printer connected to the printer
port on the instrument. The report will be in either full
or summary format, as previously selected by the
operator from the UTILITIES / PRINTER menu.
This switches to the STATUS ALL CHANNELS
screen to allow the operator to use another channel or
change settings via the UTILITIES menu.
This switches to the PCA GRAPH screen for the
current channel.
This deletes the current set of results from memory
without saving to non-volatile memory. Once this
option has been invoked there will not be any way to
recover, view or print the results of this test.
C h a n n e l 1 P C A
L a s t B o l u s
A v e r a g e
0 . 0 0
V o l u m e m l
0 . 0 0
0 . 0 0 F l o w
R a t e
0 . 0 0
D u r a t i o n
I n t e r v a l
B o l u s C o u n t
B a s a l F l o w R a t e
0 . 0 0 m l / h
E l a p s e d T i m e
0 0 : 0 0 : 0 0
T o t a l V o l u m e
0 . 0 0 m l