Pca test information screen, Basal flow rate, Total volume – Fluke Biomedical IDA-4 Plus User Manual
Page 45: Bolus volume, Lockout time (minutes), Lockout time (seconds), Loading dose

Infusion Pump Analyzer
Operating Instructions
PCA Test Information Screen
This screen is displayed whenever the operator elects to
perform a PCA TEST.
Basal Flow Rate
This is a field must be completed to help the flow rate
discriminate algorithms within the PCA analysis
routines. If a flow rate has been entered on the
DEVICE INFORMATION screen, then it will be
displayed in this field. It can be accepted by pressing
ENTER or it may be changed at this point, which will
also change the Flow Rate.
Pressing ENTER at the end of this field advances the
program to the Total Volume field. Pressing ESC will
return to the Channel Set-up Menu.
Total Volume
This is the total volume to be infused during the test, as
set on the PCA pump. When this volume has been
delivered, two long beeps will be sounded and a
message displayed.
Pressing ENTER at the end of this field advances the
program to the Bolus Volume field. Pressing ESC will
step back to the Basal Flow Rate field.
Bolus Volume
This is the bolus volume that the pump is set to deliver.
This value is recorded for information purposes only.
Pressing ENTER in this field advances the program to
the Lockout Time (minutes) field. Pressing ESC will
step back to the Total Volume field.
Lockout Time (minutes)
This field and the Lockout Time (seconds) field set the
time the device under test should inhibit requests for a
bolus after the last bolus was delivered.
Lockout Time (seconds)
This field is used in conjunction with the Lockout
Time (minutes) field as described above.
Pressing ENTER in this filed advances the program to
the Loading Dose field. Pressing ESC will step back to
the Lockout Time (minutes) field. Lockout time is the
time that the PCA pump is programmed to inhibit
patient demands between boluses. This is used in
combination with Pre Trigger Time, as set in the TEST
PARAMETERS SCREEN to attempt to trigger the
PCA pump.
Loading Dose
This is the volume expected to be delivered as the pump
starts. It appears to the instrument as a bolus. If a non-
zero value has been entered, and the first fluid detected
is determined to be at a bolus flow rate, then the first
C h a n 1 P C A T e s t I n f o r m a t i o n
B a s a l F l o w R a t e
C o n t i n u o u s )
m l / h
T o t a l V o l u m e
m l
B o l u s V o l u m e
0 . 0 0 m l
L o c k o u t T i m e
M i n s e c
L o a d i n g D o s e
m l
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 .