7 simultaneous measurement mode – Fluke Biomedical 10100AT User Manual

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Basic Measurement Techniques



To find minimum readings in other radiological units, use the following multipliers to the roentgen factors
found above.

0.000258 for Coulombs/kg air

0.00876 for Grays (in air)

0.01 for Sieverts (in air)

kVp Out-of-Range Indications

If the peak kilovoltage during an exposure falls short of the filter pack's specified kVp range, the display
will indicate 0.0 kVp; if it exceeds, the display will indicate ---.- kVp.

2.7 Simultaneous Measurement Mode

The Model 35050AT Dosimeter can be configured to perform simultaneous exposure and kVp
measurements. The simultaneous measurement option can be enabled through the TRIAD
Customization Software. In this measurement mode, a delay of up to 999 ms may be used to skip over
unwanted portions of an exposure. To prevent measurement of spurious signals, the 35050AT Dosimeter
can be set to ignore exposures of less than 5ms.

2.7.1 Making Combined Exposure Rate and kVp Measurements

The Model 35050AT Dosimeter can be used with the Model 35080/80A/80B kVp Divider as its kVp
readout while at the same time measuring exposure rate. The operating instructions for measuring
exposure rate in this mode are the same as without a kVp divider with the exception that the Model
35080/80A/80B kVp Divider must be placed in the x-ray beam with the ion chamber see section 2.9.

When in this mode, a typical display might look like this:

Exposure rate measurements are entirely independent of the kVp measurements, even if the kVp
measures outside the specified range.

2.7.2 making Combined Exposure, kVp, and Time Measurements

If an exposure unit or coulombs is selected, and kVp filter pack is selected, this measurement mode is
entered. For general operating information, see section 2.6.4 and 2.7.1. The exposure measurement is
conducted the same as in section 2.6.2 with the following exception.

If the peak kilovoltage falls short of entering the filter pack's kVp range, a zero (0.00 R) exposure value
will be displayed. Under this condition, the displayed kVp value will be 0.0 kVp and the displayed time
value will be 0.2 ms.

For the case where the peak kilovoltage enters or exceeds the filter pack's kVp range, exposure and time
will be displayed correctly. If the range is exceeded, ---.- kVp will be displayed.

Waveform storage and the value of time is limited to six seconds. If an exposure is longer than six
seconds, the time overrange indication -.--- s, is displayed.