Dakota Digital 3X User Manual

Page 29

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MAN 650067:G



Possible Problem


The tachometer reading

The tachometer signal wire is

Check the connections at both

is incorrect.

loose or broken.

ends of the wire.

The engine cylinder setting is

Refer to the “Tach Setup” section


of the installation manual.

The speedometer will

The speed sending unit is not

Check that all speed sending

not show a reading.

connected to the control box

unit wires are connected to the


control box properly.

The speed signal being used

Use the speed sending unit

is not compatible with the

supplied with the display

control box.


The speed sending unit is not

Check that sender is mounted

connected to the transmission



Check that transmission has the

appropriate internal parts.

The sending unit wire is picking

Isolate the sending unit wire from

up noise from nearby wires.

engine and ignition wires.

The speedometer is reading The speedometer is not calibrated. Refer to the “Speed Calibration”
too fast or too slow.

section of the installation manual.

With the engine running and A tachometer wire is too close to

Reroute or isolate the tachometer

the vehicle sitting still, the to the speed signal wire.

wire away from the speed wire.

speedometer reads higher There is a ground problem between Make certain the ground wire for
than zero.

the speed sensor and the control

the speed sensor is connected


directly to the control box ground.

A display shows “EE”

Sending unit for that gauge

Check the wire from sending unit

is not connected to the control

to the control box for breaks.


Make sure that the sending unit is

wired to the correct terminal.

Sending unit is not getting

Make sure the sending unit is


grounded properly at the control box.

On the water or oil, the sending

Use the water and oil senders that

unit is not the correct type.

were supplied with the system.

On the fuel, the control box may be Refer to “Fuel Setup” section of the

set for the wrong fuel sender.

installation manual to ensure that

the settings match your fuel sender.

A display shows “- -”

The sending unit wire for that

Repair or replace shorted wire.

gauge is shorted to ground.

Sending unit for that gauge

Check the wire from sending unit

is not connected to the control

to the control box for breaks.


Make sure that the sending unit is

wired to the correct terminal.

Fuel displays “FL”

The control box is set to an invalid

Refer to “Fuel Setup”

fuel sender setting.

section of the installation manual

to ensure that the settings match

your fuel sender.