Dakota Digital SIM-1-GSXR User Manual


background image


Changing the gearing or tire size

incorrect. The SIM-1-GSXR will allow you to adjust
speed sensors, back to the correct reading

The SIM-1-GSXR has an adjus

to 0.502 times (half). Calibration is set using the two push button switches. Press the UP button to
increase the speed. Press the DOW
memory which stores the calibrat
work/service on the bike.

*Depending how far off your speedometer is

on your speedometer with the SIM
miles per hour.

Typical GSXR Install (3-pin speed sensor
Connection is as follows:
1. Locate the three pin connector between the speedometer and speed sensor

black connector. You will need to remove the seat and lift the tank to locate the
under the tank at the back side of the engine with some of the other wiring.

Image 1

2. Unplug the connector.
3. Plug the SIM-1-GSXR into the two mating connectors. The SIM

between the speedometer and speed sensor. (

4. Re-assemble any removed pieces and leave the SIM

steps below).

5. Once calibrated secure the SIM

Wire ties work well for this.
good spot for mounting (image




the gearing or tire size on a motorcycle will make the speedometer

will allow you to adjust an electronic speedometer,

, back to the correct reading.

has an adjustable range of correction from 2.84 times

Calibration is set using the two push button switches. Press the UP button to

increase the speed. Press the DOWN button to decrease the speed. The unit has an internal
memory which stores the calibration when the bike is turned off, or if the unit is

how far off your speedometer is, you may NOT register a speed reading

on your speedometer with the SIM-1-GSXR installed until you are traveling faster than 5

speed sensor connectors)

connector between the speedometer and speed sensor

You will need to remove the seat and lift the tank to locate the

under the tank at the back side of the engine with some of the other wiring.

Image 2

into the two mating connectors. The SIM-1-GSXR

between the speedometer and speed sensor. (image 3)

any removed pieces and leave the SIM-1-GSX accessible for calibration

ecure the SIM-1-GSXR into the harness on the bike so it is not hanging loose.

Wire ties work well for this. There is a small space in front of the battery

(image 4).


speedometer reading

an electronic speedometer, with stock electric

times (more than double)

Calibration is set using the two push button switches. Press the UP button to

The unit has an internal

ion when the bike is turned off, or if the unit is unplugged for any

register a speed reading

until you are traveling faster than 5

connector between the speedometer and speed sensor, typically it is a

You will need to remove the seat and lift the tank to locate the connector; it is

under the tank at the back side of the engine with some of the other wiring. (image 1 and 2)

Image 2

GSXR will now be in

GSX accessible for calibration (see

into the harness on the bike so it is not hanging loose.

under the seat that is a