Play clock-edit curr mm:ss, Play clock-edit reset 1 mm:ss, Play clock-edit reset 2 mm:ss – Daktronics All Sport 3000 Series User Manual

Page 53

background image

6-2 Gymnastics


LCD Screen


mm:ss = minutes, seconds

CURR mm:ss

Press <SET PLAY CLOCK> to display the current

time for the play clock length.

To accept the play clock time length, press <ENTER>.

To decline the selection of the play clock time length,

press <CLEAR>.

To change the play clock time length and set the play

clock, enter the new time in minutes and seconds on the

number pad and press <ENTER>.

RESET 1 mm:ss

mm:ss = minutes, seconds

Press <SET PLAY CLOCK> a second time to display

the configured time for Reset 1 length.

To accept the play clock Reset 1 length, press


To decline the selection of the play clock Reset 1

length, press <CLEAR>.

To change the play clock Reset 1 length and set the

play clock, enter the new time in minutes and seconds

on the number pad and press <ENTER>.

Press <CLEAR> twice to clear changes and return to

the game.

RESET 2 mm:ss

mm:ss = minutes, seconds

Press <SET PLAY CLOCK> a third time to display

the configured time for Reset 2 length.

To accept the play clock Reset 2 length, press


To decline the selection of the play clock Reset 2

length, press <CLEAR>.

To change the play clock Reset 2 length and set the

play clock, enter the new time in minutes and seconds

on the number pad and press <ENTER>.

Press <CLEAR> twice to clear changes and return to

the game.