Section 1: introduction, 1 about this manual, 2 horn start overview – Daktronics HS-200 Horn Start User Manual

Page 7: Section 1, Introduction, About this manual, Horn start overview

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Section 1:


1.1 About This Manual

The purpose of this manual is to assist with setting up, operating, and troubleshooting the


HS-200 and HS-200R horn start systems.

Figure 1 illustrates a Daktronics
drawing label. The drawing number is
located in the lower-right corner of a
drawing. Drawings are referenced by
the last set of digits and the letter
preceding them. In the example, the
drawing would be referred to as
Drawing C-325405.

All references to drawing numbers, appendices, figures, or other manuals are presented in
bold typeface. Additionally, any drawings referenced within a particular subsection
are listed at the beginning of that subsection in the following manner:

Reference Drawing:

System Riser Diagram ........................................................................... Drawing C-325405

Daktronics identifies manuals by the DD or ED number located on the cover page of each
manual. For example, this manual would be referred to as ED-12935.

1.2 Horn Start Overview

Every heat in swimming has a start. The rulebook states, “The starter should be on a separate
system that is designed specifically to provide clear and simultaneous instructions at each of
the starting platforms.” In addition to needing something to start each heat, many teams train
for starts during practice. A typical beginning of a race starts with the referee or assistant
referee getting the athletes’ attention, then turning control of them over to the start official.
The start official instructs the competitors to “Step-up” for a forward start, or “Place your
feet” for a backstroke start. The competitors should step into place without excessive noise or
movement. The start official may give brief instructions as deemed necessary. Then, the start
official commands, “Take your mark.” Each swimmer, with no unnecessary noise or
movement, immediately assumes the desired starting position. Once the start official sees
that the swimmers have taken their position uniformly and are motionless, the signal is given
to start the race. The purpose of this is to insure that no competitor has an unfair advantage
by intimidation, position, jump or delay.

Daktronics has developed a start system that ensures reliability and fair starts for all. Its
straightforward design produces a loud sound, bright visual strobe and precise electronic
signal. The HS-200 is a portable unit that comes standard with an internal rechargeable
battery, power pack, 360° strobe, 30' (9.1 m) start cable, 15' (4.6 m) microphone cable and
microphone. Several other options are available, including the backstroke flagpole-mounting
bracket, auxiliary speakers, individual lane speakers, wireless microphone, remote strobe and
start cables to connect to other brands of timing systems, including CTS, Omega and IST.

Figure 1: Daktronics Drawing Label