Set channel button, Wireless belt pack batteries, Hs-200r internal radio module general operation – Daktronics HS-200 Horn Start User Manual

Page 22: Carrier led, Receive led

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Features & Accessories


Set Channel Button

The wireless microphone belt pack and the HS-200R unit both include a SET CHANNEL
button to select the radio channel used for the start signal. Pressing the SET CHANNEL
button once on the wireless microphone belt pack shows the current transmit channel on the
CHANNEL # LCD. Pressing the button while the channel number is displayed moves to the
next channel. As with the wireless microphone belt pack, pressing the SET CHANNEL
button on the HS-200R unit changes the current radio channel; the current channel is always
displayed on the CHANNEL LCD. Channels 0-7 are available for use.

The wireless microphone belt pack SET CHANNEL button can control the HS-200R main
unit channel selection automatically once they have been set to the same channel. To do this,
cycle through the channels on the wireless microphone belt pack until the channel on the belt
pack matches the one on the main unit. Once set to the same channel, the units will be
synchronized. To ensure they are synchronized, press the SET CHANNEL button on the
wireless microphone belt pack. If the channel on the HS-200R main unit changes with the
channels shown on the belt pack, the synchronization was successful.

Wireless Belt Pack Batteries

The wireless microphone belt pack uses two AA batteries for operation (included). To replace
the batteries, remove the cover on the back of the wireless microphone belt pack. Always
keep spare batteries on hand for each meet.

The wireless microphone operates for approximately 30 hours under meet conditions on one
set of batteries. Though the wireless microphone belt pack uses a miniscule amount of battery
power when not in use, the batteries should be removed after every meet to prevent damage
from battery acid leakage. Properly dispose any dead batteries.

The CHANNEL # LCD shows an “L” when the batteries are low. If an “L” appears when the
PUSH TO TALK lever is pressed, replace the batteries in the unit as soon as possible.

HS-200R Internal Radio Module General Operation

Set Channel Button

Press the SET CHANNEL button on the HS-200R unit to change the current channel.
This channel will also need to be selected on the wireless microphone belt pack. The channel
on the HS-200R system should change automatically when a new channel is selected on the
wireless microphone belt pack.

Carrier LED

The amber CARRIER LED on the HS-200R unit illuminates when radio data (or noise) is
present in the selected channel. Before the start of a meet, watch this LED for any activity;
it should only come on when the wireless microphone is activated. If the amber LED comes
on or flickers when the wireless microphone is not activated, there is radio interference.
Select a channel that has a minimum amount of interference for best operation. On start-up,
the HS-200R unit will default to the last channel used before shutdown.

Receive LED

The green LED on the HS-200R unit illuminates when a valid radio transmission has been
received from the wireless microphone. This LED should be on whenever the microphone

lever is pressed.