Section 2: system setup & operations, 1 hs-200 indicators, switches, knobs & connections, Section 2 – Daktronics HS-200 Horn Start User Manual

Page 11: System setup & operations, Hs-200 indicators, switches, knobs & connections

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System Setup & Operations


Section 2:

System Setup & Operations

2.1 HS-200 Indicators, Switches, Knobs & Connections

The connection panel of the HS-200 horn start (Figure 4) and the HS-200R (Figure 5) is where
all connection, adjustments, and status indicators are located.

The HS-200R is identical to the HS-200 with the addition of the radio receiver for the wireless
belt pack.

1. The group of four LEDs stacked vertically on the upper left corner performs two

functions. Their main function is the one for which they are labeled. The LEDs are
also used to indicate the firmware revision during power-up and to also designate
when the unit is in programming mode. See Section 2.3.

ON-READY LED indicates
when the HS-200 horn start is
ready to start the next race, in
recall mode, or not ready.

CHARGING LED indicates
when the horn start is
connected to main power and
charging the battery. In newer
model horn starts, the
charging light will be on
whether or not the power
switch is turned ON or OFF.
Older models will still be
charging if they are plugged
into main power, but if the
power switch is turned OFF,
the charging LED will not
light up.

on if the power switch is
turned on, and the battery is
completely charged.

on if the power switch is turn
ON, and the battery is low.

2. The MAIN/AUX VOLUME control knob sets the volume of the internal speaker built

into the HS-200 horn start plus the volume of the speaker plugged into the jacks
labeled AUX SPEAKER.

3. The LANE VOLUME control knob sets the volume of the speakers plugged into the

jacks labeled LANE SPEAKERS.

4. The POWER connection is for a universal 12 V AC power pack.

Figure 4: HS-200 Connection Panel