Model identification, Section 2, Model identification -1 – Daktronics BA-1518-11 Multi-Section Outdoor LED Scoreboard User Manual
Page 9

Section 2: Model Identification
Use the following drawings to determine the scoreboard model number. The drawings are listed here
in alphabetical order by scoreboard model line, and they are inserted in the Appendix in
alphanumeric order. Individual scoreboard drawings are also grouped in the Appendix.
Reference Drawing:
Multi-Section Baseball Scoreboards .............................................. Drawing A-126086
Multi-Section Baseball Scoreboards, w/TNMC............................... Drawing A-126362
Multi-Section Football Scoreboards ................................................. Drawing A-42148
Multi-Section Football Scoreboards, w/TNMC ................................. Drawing A-84233
Multi-Section Multi-sport Scoreboards ........................................... Drawing A-128203
Multi-Section Soccer Scoreboards................................................... Drawing A-98161
Multi-Section Soccer Scoreboards w/TNMC .................................. Drawing A-128172
Model Identification
- BA-1524-11 Multi-Section Outdoor LED Scoreboard BA-2007-11 Multi-Section Outdoor LED Scoreboard BA-3718-11 Multi-Section Outdoor LED Scoreboard BA-3724-11 Multi-Section Outdoor LED Scoreboard FB-1424-11 Multi-Section Outdoor LED Scoreboard FB-1624-11 Multi-Section Outdoor LED Scoreboard FB-1830L-11 Multi-Section Outdoor LED Scoreboard FB-1530-11 Multi-Section Outdoor LED Scoreboard MS-2118-11 Multi-Section Outdoor LED Scoreboard SO-1930-11 Multi-Section Outdoor LED Scoreboard FB-1830-11 Multi-Section Outdoor LED Scoreboard MS-2009-11 Multi-Section Outdoor LED Scoreboard SO-1830L-11 Multi-Section Outdoor LED Scoreboard FB-1524-11 Multi-Section Outdoor LED Scoreboard FB-1730-11 Multi-Section Outdoor LED Scoreboard FB-2003-11 Multi-Section Outdoor LED Scoreboard SO-1830-11 Multi-Section Outdoor LED Scoreboard FB-1430-11 Multi-Section Outdoor LED Scoreboard FB-1630L-11 Multi-Section Outdoor LED Scoreboard FB-2002-11 Multi-Section Outdoor LED Scoreboard SO-1624-11 Multi-Section Outdoor LED Scoreboard FB-1630-11 Multi-Section Outdoor LED Scoreboard FB-2001-11 Multi-Section Outdoor LED Scoreboard SO-1424-11 Multi-Section Outdoor LED Scoreboard