Welding to horizontals – Daktronics CR-2004 Multi-Section Cricket Scoreboard User Manual
Page 16
Mechanical Installation
Welding to Horizontals
Steel clip angles are first bolted to the back of each scoreboard section. These clip angles are
then welded on three sides to a horizontal tube, which itself has been welded to the support
beams. Refer to Drawing B-268714 in Appendix A for suggested horizontal tube spacing.
Figure 7 and Drawing A-83301 illustrate the mounting of the display to horizontal tubing.
1. Visually check the display structure before beginning the installation process.
Ensure that the structure will provide a straight and square mounting frame for
the scoreboard/display.
Check to ensure the mounting frame will not give way at unsupported points
after the scoreboard/display is mounted. If any problems are noted, take
corrective action immediately.
2. Bolt the clip angles to the rear of the scoreboard sections with ½" hardware.
Drawing B-238471 shows recommended clip angle locations. Refer to project-
specific shop drawings for exact locations of the clip angles.
3. Lift the display section into position. Refer to Section 3.2.
4. Adjust the clip angles as needed so that they are firmly against the horizontal tube.
During the installation of the first section, carefully monitor the horizontal and
vertical straightness of the display. If the mounting structure does not provide a
straight or square mounting surface, it will be necessary to place shims between the
display section and the mounting surface to ensure straightness.
5. Weld the three edges of each clip angle that are in contact with the horizontal tube.
Figure 7: Scoreboard Mounting Detail, Side View