12 pre - pre/post fader, 13 on - auxiliary send on/off, 14 auxiliary send level control – Cadac S-Type User Manual

Page 32: 15 stereo auxiliary send 2 level and pan control, 16 stereo auxiliary send 1 level and pan control, Urqw#sdqho#vwhuhr#lqsxw#fkdqqho#prgxoh#;745

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Stereo input module 8412


Revision S2005-6


814145 35(#0#3UH2SRVW#IDGHU

Press the PRE button to route the selected Auxiliary send pre-fader; the adjacent
LED indicates when pre-fader mode is active.

814146 21#0#$X[LOLDU\#VHQG#2Q22II

Press the appropriate Auxiliary send ON button to route the signal to one of the Aux-
iliary busses; the LED will illuminate when the Auxiliary send is ON.


Use this rotary concentric control to adjust the level of the Auxiliary send.

814148 6WHUHR#$X[LOLDU\#VHQG#5#/(9(/#DQG#3$1#FRQWURO

Adjusts the level (upper control) and PAN (lower control) of stereo auxiliary send 2.

814149 6WHUHR#$X[LOLDU\#VHQG#4#/(9(/#DQG#3$1#FRQWURO

Adjusts the level (upper control) and PAN (lower control) of Stereo Auxiliary send 1.

5.1.14 Aux send level control

5.1.15 Send level/pan control Aux 2

5.1.16 Send level/pan control Aux 1

5.1.12 Pre fader button with LED

5.1.13 Aux send ON-button with LED