Response settings, Valve powers – Bronkhorst FlowPlot User Manual

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PID-Td is only used if the volume between the

sensor and valve is relatively large (e.g. when the

sensor and valve are mounted away from each


Settings may be changed by means of

potentiometers between (common) minimum and

maximum values. It is also possible to enter value in

the text box directly, even out of the minimum-

maximum range.

Response settings
The valve output at setpoint steps from zero will go

through several stages:


Setpoint is zero: no action.


Setpoint larger than zero and measure

is still zero: the first step of the valve

output is the Valve open

voltage/current minus a safety margin

or valve output via a ramp or via PID

controller until the measure is above

2%. The initial action depends on the

controller features setting.


Measure differs more than 2% from

setpoint: normal situation, PID

controller is normally active.


Measure differs less than 2% from

setpoint for a short time: stable

situation for controller.

The last two stages are valid for all other setpoint

steps as well.

The response settings influence the controller gain by a factor depending on the stage the controller is in. The extra

factor influences the controller gain as follows, in which a setting of 128 has no effect:

total controller gain = Controller speed * PID-Kp * 1.05

(response setting – 128)

Response settings, three different stages:


Open from zero will influence the PID controller speed or ramp size (depends on controller features

setting) when valve is opening from 0%. Its advised value is lower than 128 to prevent overshoot. It’s

value also depends on the used valve curve correction.


Normal (step) is used at each setpoint step larger than 2%, not coming from 0%. Actually the measure

differs more than 2% from the setpoint in this situation. Its value should always be 128. Use this function

only in special cases; preferably adjust the PID-Kp value (factory) or the controller speed (customer) value

to adjust the overall controller speed.


Stable situation is when the measure differs less than 2% from the setpoint for a short time. Depending

on the situation, the value can be a bit higher or lower than 128, but should usually be between 118 and


Valve powers
The value in the textbox Open is the voltage or current the valve output will get immediately after a setpoint step has

been given when actual setpoint was 0% (first step). From that point on, the valve output will be increased by a ramp

function or by the PID-controller. For current controlled instruments, the values in amperes will be the correct value,

whereas for values in volts (DC) it is only an approximation.

The button Set to low will set the Open value to a safe low voltage or current. For current-driven NC valves, this will

be 0.040 A, and for voltage-driven valves it depends on the maximum supply voltage to the valve:


2.5 V in case of a 15 V NC valve.


4.0 V in case of a 24 V NC valve.

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