BayTech ATS Power Switching units 2012 User Manual
Page 15

Change Unit ID
Change Alarm Threshold
Change ATS Voltage Switching Points
Change ATS Switch Back Mode/Time
Select 4), from the Configure Menu allows the ‘admin’ user to
change the unit ID. Default is Blank. The unit displays the following:
Enter Request: 4
Current Unit ID: ATS12
Modify (Y/N)? y
Enter New Unit ID:ATS12 East
Unit ID: ATS12 East
Select 5), from the Configure Menu allows the ‘admin’
user to set the over-current level for the internal alarm to
Default: 1 circuit breaker: 12.8 Amps
2 circuit breaker: Current =12.9 and Phase 2=12.8
Enter Request: 5
Current buzzer alarm value : 12.6 Amps
Modify (Y/N)? y
Enter: 12.0
Enter Request: 6
Primary to Secondary trip voltage value : 160.9 Volts
Modify (Y/N)? y
Secondary to Primary return voltage value : 173.1 Volts
Modify (Y/N)? y
Select 6), from the configure menu to
allow the user to set the brownout voltage
switching points. The processor uses a 6-
cycle window to determine if the voltage
is greater than zero, but less than the
trip threshold. This should only be set
after the ATSSET command has been
performed. This value can be tweaked
according to loading. It is recommended
that the default values be maintained.
Enter Request: 7
Disable switch back to primary (Y/N)? n
Current delay switch back to primary source time is(0= minimum): 300 Seconds
Change delay switch back time (Y/N)? y
Enter seconds (0-65535):
Select 7), from the configure menu to allow the user to set the switch back mode and time. Default
is Enabled and the delay time is 0 seconds. This allows the unit to switch from primary to
secondary and back immediately upon reaching selected criteria, without operator intervention. If the
mode is disabled then the unit will switch from primary to secondary, but it will not switch back
without user intervention. If the mode is enabled and a time is set in, unit will switch back (8) seconds
plus nnnnn number of seconds after the selected criteria is met.