Rs contact settings, Mode d example, Mode e example – Basler Electric BE1-79A User Manual
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BE1-79A RS Contact Application
9310200990 Rev J
The BE1-79A Power Off state of the RS contact follows ac or dc operating power applied to terminals 5
and 6 and whether switch S5 is in the NC (normally closed) position or NO (normally open) position. If
operating power is not applied to terminals 5 and 6 and the mode selected is D (de-energized), then the
RS contact function, as selected by S5 (NC or NO), is just as if you were measuring contact continuity
across terminals 9 and 10 with the relay sitting on a test bench with no wiring connected. If the mode is E
(energized), then operating power must be present at terminals 5 and 6 to hold the RS contact in its
desired position at the BE1-79A’s reset position.
RS Contact Settings
The RS contact setting command, SP-79ARS, determines the mode, apply time, and remove time of the
RS contact. SP-79ARS command syntax is SP-79ARS[=
The mode setting indicates the state of the RS element when:
The relay has operating power applied to terminals 5 and 6
The BE1-79A relay is in Reset while the RS contact Remove time expired
A mode setting of D will de-energize the RS element during the conditions indicated above. A mode
setting of E will energize the RS element for the conditions indicated above. An Apply time set at zero is
applied as soon as the circuit breaker 52b contact makes. An Apply time set at a value other than zero
begins its timing sequence as soon as the breaker opens on its first trip and the 52b contact makes.
Remove time also begins when the 52b contact makes for the first time in a reclose sequence and lasts
until its programmed Remove time is reached or the breaker successfully recloses and the BE1-79A
returns to Reset.
Examples of four different RS contact configurations and settings are shown in Figure A-1 and explained
in the following paragraphs.
Mode D Example
From Table A-1, for mode D settings, an NC RS contact (S5 = NC, mode = D) will be closed during BE1-
79A power-off and will remain closed when the BE1-79A relay is powered on. (This assumes that the
Remove time from a previous reclose cycle has expired or the relay is in Reset.) The NC contact will
remain closed until a reclose cycle begins and the RS contact Apply time is reached. The NC contact will
then open and remain open until the RS contact Remove time is reached. (If operating power is lost at
terminals 5 and 6 during this time, the NC contact will close as indicated in Table A-1, BE1-79A Power
When the Remove time expires, the NC contact will again close and remain closed until a new reclose
cycle is started. For SP-79ARS=D,0,145, as soon as the circuit breaker 52b contact makes following the
first trip, the RS contact will open and remain open until a time of 145 seconds where it will open and
remain open until a time of 145 seconds where it will again close. For SP-79ARS=D,2.5,145, the RS
contact will remain closed for 2.5 seconds after the circuit breaker 52b contact closes for the first trip-out
and then be open until the 145 second time is reached or reset occurs. If the BE1-79A goes to reset
before the Remove time is reached, the RS contact changes back to its state at reset without having to
time to the Remove time setpoint.
From Table A-1, for mode D settings, an NO RS contact (S5 = NO, mode = D) will be open during BE1-
79A power-off and will remain open when the BE1-79A is powered on. (This assumes the Remove time
from a previous reclose cycle has expired or the relay is in Reset.) The NO contact will remain open until
the reclose cycle begins. At that time, the NO contact will continue to remain open until the RS contact
Apply time is reached. The NO contact will then close and remain closed until the RS contact Remove
time is reached. (If relay power is lost during this time, the NO contact will open.) When the Remove time
expires or the BE1-79A resets, the NO contact will again open and remain open until the next reclose
Mode E Example
From Table A-1, for mode E settings, an NC RS contact (S5 = NC, mode = E) will be closed during BE1-
79A power-off and will be energized and opened when the BE1-79A is powered on and in Reset. The NC
contact will remain open until the reclose cycle begins. At that time, the NC contact will continue to remain
open until the RS Apply time is reached. The NC contact will then close and remain closed until the RS
contact Remove time is reached. (If relay power is lost during this time, the NC contact will remain
When the Remove time is reached or the BE1-79A resets, the NC contact will again open and remain
open until the next reclose cycle begins from the Reset position.