Basler Electric BE1-79A User Manual
Page 6

iv BE1-79A
Revision and Date
H, 07/10
Expanded Table 1-1, BE1-79A Versions and Features.
Revised rating for output contacts under Specifications in Section 1.
Added GOST-R statement in Section 1.
G, 02/08
Added manual part number and revision to footers.
Updated Output Contact ratings in Section 1.
Updated Lockout description in Section 3 to support version 1.07
Updated Command Descriptions in Section 4 to support version 1.07
F, 10/05
Added switch S4 labels to Figure 2-3.
In Figures 3-1, 6-1, and 6-2, enhanced C8 function block illustration to
show NO or NC contact selectable by switch S5. Changed C10 from
NC to NO.
Added RS Mode Selector switch illustration and corrected shorting
bars placement in Figures 3-2 and 3-3.
Changed name of Section 4 from Communication to Communication
Changed name of Section 5 from Installation to Installation and
Corrected and clarified connection drawings of Figures 5-4 and 5-5.
Added troubleshooting tips to Section 6.
Moved contents of Section 7 to Section 1 and deleted Section 7.
Added Appendix A, RS Contact Application.
Added Appendix B, Terminal Communication.
E, 04/03
Added information pertaining to part number 9310200201.
Clarified the weight specification in Section 1.
Corrected error in Figure 5-4.
D, 08/00
Covered addition of RS Contact Switch S5 and changes to SP-
79ARS command.
C, 01/00
Information pertaining to the jumper-selectable contact sensing
voltage ranges was added. Drawings in Figure 5-1 were changed to
show the revised relay case cover.
B, 05/98
Patent information was added to Section 1. Various errors in Sections
1, 3, and 6 were corrected.
A, 09/97
Information pertaining to the power supply holdup feature was added.
―, 07/97
Initial release