Avery Dennison 9450 RASCAL Rev.A 1/95 Quick Reference User Manual

Rcl quick reference, Change communication parameters (^a), Clear error status (^c)

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TC9450PQR Rev. A 1/95

1995 Monarch Marking Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.

Following are summaries of each RCL (RASCAL

 printer Control Language)

command. They appear in alphabetical order.

Change Communication Parameters (^A)

The Change Communication Parameters command changes the printer’s baud rate,
parity, word length, and flow control.


Flow Control X (XON/XOFF), C (RTS/CTS), or D (DTR).

Word Length 7 (use with even parity) or 8 (use with none parity).

Parity N (None-- use with word length 8) or E (Even-- use with word length 7).

Baud Rate 2 (1200), 3 (2400), 4 (4800), 5 (9600), 6 (19200), or 7 (38400).

Command Identifier

Clear Error Status (^C)

The Clear Error Status command clears batch errors from memory.


Command Identifier

Delete Batches (^F)

The Delete Batches command removes all batches immediately, or it removes the
current batch after it prints the next complete label.


Function A (delete all batches) or C (delete the current batch).

Command Identifier

RCL Quick Reference