Rss-14 – Avery Dennison Monarch 9864 Bar Code Information User Manual
Page 8
10/07 Rev. 3.03-01
Bar Code Information
All Devices
RSS-14 supports the complete representation of the 14 digit EAN article
number. Every symbol size is maller than the appropriate EAN-13 and UPC-
A symbol size and supports a special concatinaten character. There are 4
versions available.
RSS-14, RSS-14 Truncated (height reduced), RSS-14 Stacked (stacked)
und RSS-14 Stacked Omnidirectional (direction and position independant
readable). All 4 versions encode the data in the same manner, but are ali-
gned respectively to special space and read conditions. Each symbol of the
RSS-14 family contains 4 data characters and 2 search patterns. The 2 se-
arch patterns together encode the calculated modulo 79 check digit. The left
and the the right border character of the symbol consist of a small bar and a
small gap. RSS-14 needs no quiet zone. Each of the RSS14 symbols can be
scanned and decoded in 4 segments, which are adjacent composed again.
Thus the omnidirectional scanning is enabled.
The RSS-14 was developed for units, which have to be read in omnidirectio-
nal scanning environments. The dimensions are 96X in the width, starting
with a 1X wide gap and ending with a 1X wide bar. The height is 33X. X cor-
respond to the width of a module.
Fig. 1:
Examples of a RSS-14 (left side) and a RSS-14 Stacked (right side).
The RSS-14 Truncated is a height reduced version of the RSS-14. The bar-
code isn’t omni directional readable. The dimensions are 96X in width and
13X in height. X correspond to the width of a module.
RSS-14 Stacked
The RSS-14 Stacked is a height reduced, two rows version of RSS-14, de-
veloped for small volume units, which can not be scanned with omni directio-
nal scanners. The dimensions are 50X in width and 13X in height, inclusive
of a 1X high separation pattern between the both rows. X correspond to the
width of a module.
RSS-14 Stacked
The RSS-14 Stacked Omnidirectional is a two rows version of RSS-14 with
a standard size, which was developed to be readable in omni directiona scan-
ning environments. The dimensions are 50X in width and 69X in height, inclu-
sive of a 3X high separation pattern between the both rows. X correspond to
the width of a module.