Defining a gs1 databar( (rss) symbology – Avery Dennison Monarch 9860 Programmer Manual Addendum2 User Manual
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D e f i n i n g a G S 1 D a t a B a r
( R S S ) S y m b o l o g y
The GS1 DataBar is a family of linear symbologies. Depending on the bar
code data entered, the bar code may appear as a 2D bar code stacked on
top of the linear bar code. For more information about the GS1 DataBar bar
code, refer to the GS1 General Specification.
B,field#,# of char,fix/var,row,column,
font,density,height,text,alignment,field rot,
B1. B Bar
B2. field#
Unique number from 1-999 to identify this field.
B3. # of char
Maximum number of characters. The actual maximum
number of characters is limited by the size of the label
and bar code density. Range: 0-2710. The default is 30.
B13. Bar Code Type
B3. Number of Characters (Max.)
1 - GS1 DataBar 14
13 - no check digit input
2 - GS1 DataBar 14 Truncated
13 - no check digit input
3 - GS1 DataBar 14 Stacked
13 - no check digit input
4 - GS1 DataBar 14 Stacked
Omni directional
13 - no check digit input
5 - GS1 DataBar Limited
13 - no check digit input
6 - GS1 DataBar Expanded
7 - UPCA
11 - no check digit input
8 - UPCE
10 - no check digit input
9 - EAN13
12 - no check digit input
10 - EAN8
7 - no check digit input
11 - UCC/EAN128 and CC A/B
12 - UCC/EAN128 and CC C
For more information, refer to the GS1 General Specification.
If not enough characters are entered, the bar code pads to the left
with zeros. If too many characters are entered, unpredictable
results may occur.
If FNC1 (function 1) is supported, use ~029 in the batch data to
invoke it.