Argox Ethernet printer User Manual
Page 49
Ethernet Printer Technical Manual November 10, 2010
19. Cut Count
Displays the amount of labels that the printer cuts off.
20. RS232 Protocols
Displays the data frame of the RS-232 interface: baud rate, parity, data bit, and stop bit.
21. Control Character
Displays the caret, delimiter and tilde control characters.
22. Font Symbol Set
Sets the symbol set of fonts.
23. Media Type
Displays the media type.
24. Reprint After Error
Displays the setting of the
Reprint After Error
is disabled/enabled.
25. Backfeed Disable/Enable
Enables or disables backfeed when printing.
26. Cutter
Enables or disables cutter when printing.
27. Peeler
Enables or disables peeler when printing.
28. Calibration Type Mode
Sets the type of the calibration mode that is used. There are four types of calibration modes.
29. Ethernet Module Version Information
Displays the Ethernet Module version.
30. IP Address
Displays the IP address to be assigned for PC.
31. Subnet Mask
Displays the subnet mask address. Subnet mask is logically visible, distinctly addressed part