10 upnp – AGI Security SYS-HC0451S2 User Manual
Page 155

Figure 4-73 UPnP
The UPNP protocol is to establish a mapping relationship between the LAN and th e WAN. Please input
the router IP address in the LAN in Figure 4-62. See Figure 4-74.
UPNP on/off :Turn on or off the UPNP function of the device.
Status: When the UPNP is offline, it shows as
“Unknown”. When the UPNP works it shows
Router LAN IP: It is the router IP in the LAN.
WAN IP: It is the router IP in the WAN.
Port Mapping list: The port mapping list here is the
one to one relationship with the router’s port
mapping setting.
Service name:Defined by user.
Protocol: Protocol type
Internal port:Port that has been mapped in the router.
External port:Port that has been mapped locally.
Default: UPNP default port setting is the HTTP, TCP and UDP of the DVR.
Add to the list: Click it to add the mapping relationship.
Delete: Click it to remove one mapping item.
Double click one item; you can change the corresponding mapping information. See Figure 4-75.
When you are setting the router external port, please use 1024~5000 port. Do not use well-known
port 1~255 and the system port 256~1023 to avoid conflict .
For the TCP and UDP, please make sure the internal port and external port are the same to
guarantee the proper data transmission.