The zed application shields, Zed shields and the stackability matrix, Figure 13. zed application shields – Zilog ZUSBOPTS User Manual

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The ZED Application Shields

Zilog Educational Shields

User Manual


The ZED Application Shields

At the time of publication of this manual, the Zilog Educational System offers the ZED
Test Shield and three ZED application shields. Each of these shields is shown in
Figure 13; they are, from left to right: the Test Shield, the World of Sensors Shield, the Z-
PAN Shield and the WLAN Shield.

This manual will be regularly updated to include new shield releases. These new shields
will appear in the


Education Solutions

navigation on the

Zilog website

and in the

Education Solutions

category of the

Zilog Store


ZED Shields and the Stackability Matrix

As mentioned earlier, the ZED shields, with the exception of the ZED Test Shield, are
designed to be stacked on top of each other via their male/female headers. These headers
can plug into or accept other shields, and are each keyed at Pin 29 of the J1 header. This
pin has been trimmed to prevent attachment of the shields when they are oriented in the
opposite direction.

Additionally, not all shields are stackable with each other. Table 2 presents a ZED Shield
Stackability Matrix; the checkmark symbol (√) indicates which shields can be stacked

Figure 13. ZED Application Shields

Test Shield

WoS Shield

Z-PAN Shield

WLAN Shield
