Vectronics VEC-102K User Manual
Page 35
Replace the battery, it is too weak to operate both the regenerating detector and the audio
Receiver works fine sometimes, but is erratic especially when it is bumped or
Look for a loose solder connection.
Very strong signals are impossible to tune in well.
Reduce the setting of the internal RF Gain control.
CW signals wobble slightly if the receiver is bumped.
This is a normal characteristic for a simple oscillator. If the wobbling or instability is
extreme, toroid control L5 is installed too loosely and should be tightened up.
Note: We have designed this book and the receiver itself to assure that you can install it
easily and enjoy. If, after installing your receiver, double-checking steps and
going over the preceding trouble-shooting suggestions, you are still having a
problem, please contact Vectronics at (601) 323-5800. Before calling, please be
prepared to explain your exact difficulty as exactly as possible.
Notes for Radio Hams & Experimenters
This receiver has a single intended purpose: to help newcomers, young and old alike, to
enjoy tuning the sheer magic of shortwave radio. You'll quickly gain the skill of finessing
the regeneration control to choose AM shortwave broadcasts, SSB or CW/RTTY. The
VEC-102K just might be the very best regenerative receiver ever designed, but it is not
intended to be all things to all people.
The VEC-102K's PC board is a very roomy "platform'' which may seem to invite
countless modifications. However, please remember the original purpose of the receiver
before "hacking''. It's a beginner's first shortwave receiver, designed for the most popular
SWL broadcasts plus a SAMPLING of our ham bands. If you expect to pass it on as a
gift or resell it, it would be prudent to accomplish any desired modifications on the
outside of the receiver itself. For example, the function of the RF gain control can be
duplicated with a pot at the antenna connector with no drilling required. Similarly,
alternative DC power, additional audio amplification or audio filtering can be provided
externally. If you change any values in the L-C tuning in order to try a band of special
interest, be sure to note such changes in this manual. Remember that changing C3 or any
inductance affects the tuning range of ALL the bands.
[Author's Hint: To save you time as well as wear and tear on the PC board, here's what
my own curiosity showed: reducing C3 can easily bring in 12 and 10 Meters on Band E.
However, attempts to increase this capacitance beyond 220 pF without ALSO increasing
total inductance are pointless if you're looking for good 160 Meter performance.]