TabletKiosk Sahara NetSlate a230T User Manual
Page 40

Chapter 04: Using Your Sahara NetSlate with Windows XP
1. From the “Device” tab, tap on the “PenMount 6000 USB”
icon and then tap “Configure”. Alternatively, just double-tap
on the “PenMount 6000 USB” icon.
2. Tap on the “Calibrate” tab and then tap on either the
“Standard Calibration” or the “Advanced Calibration” button.
Most of the time, a Standard Calibration should be sufficient
to perform an accurate calibration.
NOTE: If you find the “Standard Calibration” to be too imprecise, the
“Advanced Calibration” mode offers 4, 9, 16 or 25 points for calibrat-
ing. We suggest starting at 9 points. For both modes, it is highly
recommended that you use the stylus, rather than your finger, to
produce to most accurate results.
3. Follow the on-screen instructions by tapping and holding
on each red square that appears until you are told to lift to
proceed. To quit this routine without saving the data, hit
on your keyboard if you have one connected.