One Systems PT-10 User Manual
Page 23
One Systems, Inc. 6204 Gardendale Dr., Nashville, TN 37215
WARNING: Do NOT substitute banding materials or banding dimensions.
Installation instructions from BAND-IT should be followed exactly. Operating instructions
are supplied with the tensioning tool. (All BAND-IT parts and tools purchased
separately. These parts and tools are not supplied by ONE SYSTEMS)
The stainless steel banding material, buckles and tensioning tools are available from the
following locations (or though distributors recommended by these locations):
4799 Dahlia St.
Denver Colorado 80216
Calle Ignacio Zaragonza No. 8
Colonia Ahuehuetes Atizapan 52953
Edo. de Mexico
(52) 555825 8502
BAND-IT Company Limited
Speedwell Industrial Estate
Stavely, Nr. Chesterfield
Derbyshire, S43 3PF England
Home Sales (44) 1246-479479
Export Sales (44) 1246 479480
BAND-IT Clamps (ASIA) Pte. Ltd.
11 Second Chin Bee Road
Singapore 618777
BAND-IT Shanghai Sales Office
207 room
Wanbao International Business Centre
660# Xinhua Road
Shanghai, China 200052
Now the M8 forged shoulder “eye” bolt should be installed in the top rear of the
loudspeaker enclosure. Make sure that that eyebolt is seated on the enclosure surface.
Note that the desired pan and tilt angles may be set either before or after the
loudspeaker is mounted to the PT-30 assembly. However, the pan and tilt angle