CRU Forensic RTX User Manual
Forensic rtx™410-3qj, User manual, Features

F o r e n s i c R T X 4 1 0 - 3 Q J U s e r M a n u a l ( A 9 - 4 1 0 - 0 0 0 4 ) R E V 1 . 0
- 1 -
Forensic RTX™410-3QJ
Revised April 3, 2012
Thank you for purchasing WiebeTech’s Forensic RTX410-3QJ. Forensic RTX410-3QJ features
WiebeTech’s write-blocked technology, quadruple connectivity for each bay, and power/access LEDs all
inside of a tough, durable aluminum frame and lid. The latest feature of Forensic RTX is the new front
panel, with write-block indication LEDs as well as HPA/DCO detection. Whether in the field or in a lab,
Forensic RTX is a must-have for forensic investigators.
TrayFree™ technology! Simply slide in a SATA drive and shut the door. Each SATA bay offers a
lock for additional security, and shock protection for longer drive life. All metal bays.
Copy data from IDE or SATA drives. Bays one (PATA) and three (SATA) are write-blocked. Bays
two and four (SATA) are read/write making it possible to write to SATA drives from the write-
blocked drives.
Forensic RTX410-3QJ comes with all the cables you need to connect to eSATA, FireWire 800,
and USB 3.0, and USB 2.0.
Each hard drive has its own data channel for maximum speed.
Power and access LEDs let you know status of your hard drives.
Sturdy aluminum case provides excellent heat dissipation and rugged durability.
Heavy duty handle allows for easy transport.
HPA/DCO detection.
Models covered:
• Forensic RTX
410-3QJ SATA
• Forensic RTX
410-3QJ IDE +