3 using usb writeblocker device information viewer – CRU USB WriteBlocker User Manual

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U S B W r i t e B l o c k e r U s e r M a n u a l ( A 9 - 0 0 0 - 0 0 1 8 ) R E V 1 . 0

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2.3 Using USB WriteBlocker Device Information Viewer

The UWB Device Information Viewer is a software application designed to report information each time
you access a drive/device with USB WriteBlocker. As you can see, there are two tabs on UWB Device
Information Viewer that report information. One tab reports the information of the attached device. The
other tab reports the information of the USB WriteBlocker. The following sections will help you identify
what’s being reported as well as walk you through a few features that this application offers.

2.3.1 Attached Device Information Date/Time: Reports date and time that the device under capture device was accessed by the USB
WriteBlocker. USB Vendor ID: Reports the USB
Vendor ID of the device under capture device. USB Product ID: Reports the USB
Product ID of the device under capture device. Manufacturer: Reports the maker or
manufacturer of the device under capture
device. Product: Reports the name of the
device under capture device if it has one
imbedded on the chip. Serial Number: Reports the serial
number of the chip that is inside of the device
under capture device. Revision: Reports the revision number
of the device under capture device if it has
one. Exit: This will close down the software
application. Rescan: This will rescan the USB port
or bus to check for the USB WriteBlocker and
any attached device. Save Info: This will save a text file of the all the information that is reported with the application.
By default it will name the saved file the same as the serial number of the device under capture device.
You can change the name of the file if you’d like. The text file will save wherever you choose, and will
report all of the information displayed on the application in simple text.