CRU USB WriteBlocker User Manual

Usb writeblocker, User manual, Features

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U S B W r i t e B l o c k e r U s e r M a n u a l ( A 9 - 0 0 0 - 0 0 1 8 ) R E V 1 . 0

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Revised July 13, 2009


Smallest USB Write-Blocking device on the market.

Easy, Write-Blocked access to USB drives at 8-10 MB/s. That’s 20%-30% faster than the
competing product.

Works with any USB mass storage device.

Compatible with single storage devices with Multiple Mountable Volumes (multiple LUNs).

Support of USB 1.1/2.0 devices normally registered as “USB Mass Storage Device”.

Easy to use! USB WriteBlocker simply connects between the device under capture device and
the computer.