CRU DataPAK User Manual

Page 9

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Page 9 Details Tab

The three tabs that appear house different information and
changeable settings. The Details tab reports basic information
of the unit and is useful if you have a technical support issue.
You can easily see the name of the product, as well as firmware
version. The Chip ID is a changeable setting, but we recommend
not changing that unless prompted by CRU-DataPort. Grayed out
areas, like “Device Type”, are features that are not supported by
this particular chipset and they can be ignored. Options Tab

There is only one selectable feature under the “Options” tab.
Data read from or written to a drive is stored in the drives cache
memory. This cache is normally flushed on a regular basis but
disabling it will stop that action. RAID Tab

The RAID tab will be where you set up your RAID. First you need
to startup the DataPAK without any drives inside and the Con-
figurator closed. After approximately 15 seconds you can open
up Configurator. Still without drives in the enclosure select the
bubble next to your desired RAID type. Look over the different
features that are selectable in your RAID type and be sure that
they are checked if you want them. Finally, be sure to select the
proper number of disks. If there is a grayed area when you are
trying to make your selection that means that the grayed feature is
not compatible with the RAID type you’ve selected.