CRU DataPAK User Manual
Page 13

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This will take you through a port by port look at the hard drives’ SMART Status, where
Port0 is the first bay/drive, and Port1 is the second bay/drive etc. To go back to the Active
menu press “Next” (left) until “Quit” (left) appears and then press “Quit” (left).
5.2.5 Enclosure Status
Fan Speed and Enclosure Temperature (C°) can be found in this portion of the Menu. From
the Active Menu press “Menu” (left) four times, then press “Go” (right). Your first screen
will show the fan’s RPM (Revolutions Per Minute), and the second screen will give the
Enclosure Temperature in Celsius degrees. Simply press “Next” (left) to view the tem-
perature and “Quit” (left) to go back to the Active Menu.
5.2.6 Disk Temperature
Hard drive temperature (C°) can be found in thise section of the menu. To view this press
“Menu” (left) five times, then press “Go” (right). This will take you through a disk by disk
look at the hard drives’ temperature, where Disk 0 is the first bay/drive, and Port 1 is the
second bay/drive etc. To go back to the Active menu press “Next” (left) until “Quit” (left)
appears and then press “Quit” (left).
5.2.7 User Requests
The last section of the menu requests the fan speed. The fan speed is updated every few
minutes, using this feature the fan speed was be requested and updated instantly. To
view this press “Menu” (left) six times, then press “Go” (right). This will take you to the
request fan speed function. Press “Go” (right) to request the fan speed or “Quit” (left) to
return to the active menu.
5.3 Error States
5.3.1 Halted: Bad Disk Count
Halted: Bad Disk Count is an error most likely caused by bad sectors on a hard drive that
has been inserted in the DataPAK. It can also be caused by a hard drive that is not getting
enough power to spin up. This can either be caused by a faulty drive or a bad connection.
Figure 4: PDR610-IR Cable and Network Connections