Testbuilder options, Figure 4: running testbuilder overview, Stratix ii gx embedded gigabit ethernet mac / phy – Altera Stratix II GX Embedded Gigabit Ethernet MAC/PHY User Manual

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Stratix II GX Embedded Gigabit Ethernet MAC / PHY

User's Guide

Version 1.0 - October 2005



Figure 4: Running Testbuilder Overview

Important note:

The system variable QUARTUS_ROOTDIR should be set to the Quartus software
installation directory so that the Altera libraries can be linked during RTL or Gate level

Testbuilder Options

A single VHDL configuration file configures the Testbench:

• source/package/vhdl/mtip_sim_pack.vhd

The file can be modified to implement different simulation scenarios. To ease the configuration,
a graphical tool, TestBuilder is provided that modifies the configuration file. TestBuilder is a
TCL/TK extension written for the ModelSim Simulator, which is fully integrated in the ModelSim