3 design kit database, 4 simulation environment, Esign – Altera Stratix II GX Embedded Gigabit Ethernet MAC/PHY User Manual

Page 7: Atabase, Imulation, Nvironment, Table 1: core configuration options, Table 2: design kit directory structure, Stratix ii gx embedded gigabit ethernet mac / phy

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Stratix II GX Embedded Gigabit Ethernet MAC / PHY

User's Guide

Version 1.0 - October 2005

Table 1: Core Configuration Options

Option Description


The Core is optimized for Altera Stratix II GX devices.

Maximum Frame Length

Maximum Frame Length. Defines a 14-Bit maximum frame length used by
the MAC receive logic to check frames.

Pause Frame Quanta

Receive Pause Quanta. 16-Bit value sets, in increment of 512 Ethernet bit
times, the pause quanta used in each Pause Frame sent to the remote
Ethernet device.

Enable Promiscuous

Receive Mode

When selected, all frames are received without Unicast address filtering.

Insert MAC Address on


If select the MAC overwrites the source MAC address with the MAC set on
the Core signal mac_addr. If disabled, the source MAC address received
from the transmit application transmitted is not modified by the MAC.

3.3 Design Kit Database

Table 2: Design Kit Directory Structure

Directory Description


Ethernet Frame generator and monitor models.


Contains the netist for Altera Stratix implementation and a script
to control the Altera Quartus design software.


Scripts to configure and execute RTL and Gate-Level Simulation
as well the Modelsim integrated TestBuilder.


Encrypted VHDL design source files, testbench and
configuration files.

3.4 Simulation Environment

A complete testbench is provided (File testbench.vhd in directory source/testbench/vhdl)
which implements the Core together with a simulation control state machine and the following
drivers and monitors.

GMII Ethernet Frame Generator: Configurable Ethernet Gigabit Ethernet frame generator

with GMII interface.

GMII Ethernet Frame Monitor: Gigabit Ethernet frame monitor with GMII interface.
Ethernet Frame Generator (FIFO mode): Configurable Ethernet frame generator

simulating a user application connected to the MAC transmit FIFO interface.

Ethernet Monitor (FIFO mode): Ethernet frame checker simulating a user application

connected to the MAC receive FIFO interface.

PCS: 1000Base-X PCS function that decodes / encodes data from / to the MAC / PHY

Core and controls the Auto-Negotiation process within the testbench.