Spectrum Controls 2080sc-BAC User Manual
Page 24

Chapter 3: Configuring the Module
User’s Manual Pub. 0300274-01 Rev. A.0
The module and personal computer’s IP addresses must also be
on the same network to allow the two devices to communicate:
BACnet/IP. When you set up your module to use an
Ethernet physical interface, specify a UDP port number
for BACnet/IP, IP address, Subnet Mask, and Gateway.
The UDP port communicates between the PC and the
module. It is used to retrieve the module’s IP address
and password authentication:
View or specify the following options:
UDP Port: 0x XXXN. Default address: 0×BAC0
IP Address. Enter IP address. Example:
Subnet Mask. Enter subnet mask. Default mask
value is
Gateway. Enter gateway address. Example:
MS/TP. (Master-Slave/Token Ring Passing.)
This connection is set up using the 6-pin connector on
the front panel of the BACnet module. Mstp+ is RS-
485+; Mtsp- is RS-485-:
When you set up your module to use an MS/TP physical
interface, which is RS-485, half-duplex communication,
you specify the following fields:
MAC Address. Enter the module MS/TP MAC
address. Default suggested value is any value
between 1 and 127. If there are more devices on