Pitch shift function – Rocktron Chameleon On-Line User Manual
Page 28

The PITCH function is available only in configurations displaying "PSHF" in the configuration title.
Pitch Shifting is used to change the pitch of the input signal to produce a harmony note based on the input
signal. The harmony voice may be of any fixed interval—up to one octave above the input signal to two octaves
below—and is selected in 20-cent increments. Fine adjustment can be made in one cent (1/ 100th semitone)
The PARAMETER SELECT control will allow you to access these PITCH SHlFT parameters:
The PITCH SHIFT IN/OUT parameter determines whether the Pitch Shifter is active or
bypassed for the current preset.
The LEVEL parameter determines the volume of the pitch shifted signal. The DIR/EFF
MIX parameter in the Mixer function also affects this volume.
The PAN parameter allows you to pan the shifted signal to the left or right channel.
The PITCH parameter selects what harmony note the Chameleon will produce based on
the input note. The value displayed for this parameter represents the number of cents
that the signal will be shifted (adjustable in 20-cent increments). Each 100 cents (or five
20-cent steps) above or below "0" represents the number of half-steps the shifted signal
will be from the input signal.
This parameter is adjustable from "-2400" to "+1200", where "-2400" = two octaves below
the input signal, "0" = unison and "+1200' = one octave above the input signal. Refer to
the table below to determine the cent value for each fixed interval.
The FINE parameter allows for adjustment in 1-cent steps for fine adjustment of the
harmony note.
The SPEED parameter determines the amount of time delay used in the shifting process.
SLOW results in the longest delay and the highest quality shifted signal (especially at
larger amounts of pitch shift), FAST results in the least delay, but the lowest quality
shifted signal. This setting should only be used for slight amounts of pitch shift.