Operation – Parr Instrument 6725 User Manual

Page 21

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Semi-micro Calorimeter Instruction Manual



Menu System

All configurations and operations are
handled by a menu-driven system
operated from the bright touch screen
display. The settings and controls are
organized into ten main sections as
displayed on the MAIN MENU.

Keys with a “double box” in the upper left
hand corner lead to sub-menus.

Menu Keys

The controls that change the data field information in the menus will be one of the

1. Toggles. These data fields contain ON/OFF or YES/NO choices. Simply touching

the key on the screen toggles the choice to the other option. The current setting is
displayed in the lower right corner of the key.

2. Option

Selection. These data fields contain a list of options. Touching the key on

the screen steps the user through the available choices. The current setting is
displayed in the lower right corner of the key.


Value Entry Fields. These data fields are used to enter data into the Calorimetric
Thermometer. Touching the key on the screen brings up a sub-menu with a key pad
or similar screen for entering the required value.

Some keys lead to multiple

choices. Always clear the current value before entering a new value. Once entered
the screen will return to the previous menu and the new value will be displayed in the
lower right corner of the key.

4. Data

Displays. Most of these keys display values that have been calculated by the

Calorimetric Thermometer and are informational only. Certain ones can be
overridden by the user entering a desired value through a sub-menu. The value is
displayed in the lower right corner of the key.
Some keys will respond with an opportunity for the user to confirm the specified
action to minimize accidental disruptions to the program and/or stored data.

Control Keys

There are five control keys which always appear in the right column of the primary
displays. These keys are unavailable when they are gray instead of white.

1. Escape. This key is used to go up one level in the menu structure.
2. Main

Menu. This key is used to return to the main menu touch screen from

anywhere in the menu structure.

3. Start. This key is used to start a Calorimetric Thermometer test.
4. Report. This key is used to access the test results stored in the Calorimetric

Thermometer, to enter thermochemical corrections, and to initiate a report on the
display, printer or attached computer.