Parr Instrument 6725 User Manual
Page 10

Semi-micro Calorimeter Instruction Manual
The format of an unknown balance can be determined by logging the balance output to
the printer attached to the Calorimetric Thermometer. Those protocols which send a
command string to the balance will do so while logging is active. In order for the logging
to produce meaningful results, the cable connecting the balance to the balance input
port of the Calorimetric Thermometer must be correctly wired or configured. In addition,
the specifics of the data frame, such as the baud rate, # of data bits, parity, # of stop bits
and handshaking (if used) must be the same for both the balance and the Calorimetric
Mettler 011/012 Interface
The ID field must contain “S_” to
indicate a stable mass. The data field
contains the current mass, right
justified, with a decimal point. The
balance should be configured to send
Sartorious Interface
The polarity field must contain either a
“+” or a space. Leading zeros in the
data field are blanked, except for the
one to the left of the decimal point.
The stability field must contain “g_” for
the Calorimetric Thermometer to
accept a mass. The balance should be
configured to transmit data upon
receipt of the following command
[ESC] P [CR] [LF]
The automatic data output option should not be used.
The Calorimetric Thermometer will send this command string once every few
seconds after the ENTER key has been pressed during a mass entry
sequence. The ENTER key should only be pressed when the mass reading
is stable. However, unstable readings will be rejected and a warning will be
issued. Acknowledging the warning by pressing the CLEAR ENTRY key will
re-issue the command string to the balance on a periodic basis.
Generic Interface
The data field should consist of 9
numeric characters (0 through 9, +, -
and space) terminated with a carriage
return (CR). Leading zeros may be
blanked as spaces and are counted. Non-numeric characters are ignored
and will reset the input buffer if the data field has not been filled. Any
characters received after filling the data field and before the carriage return
are ignored.
Field Length
ID 2
space 1
data 9
space 1
g 1
CR 1
LF 1
Field Length
polarity 1
space 1
data 8
space 1
stability 2
CR 1
LF 1
Field Length
data 8
CR 1