Kipp&Zonen SOLYS 2 Sun Tracker User Manual

Page 51

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(0= updates disabled)

-Location and pressure (LL)
To retrieve or set the latitude, longitude and nominal atmospheric pressure recorded for the site.

-Lockout GPS position (LP)
To retrieve or set enabling of updates to the configuration due to GPS position (longitude, latitude) changes.
(1= updates enabled) (0= updates disabled)

-Move (MO)
Enables to send each motor (as quickly as possible) to its end position.

-Motor Status (MS)
To retrieve the status of each motor. (Should be successful)

-No hard limits (NL)
To retrieve or set the parameter for enabling the internal pot meters as a security device.

-No soft limits (NX)
To retrieve or set the parameter for enabling the internal Range settings (XT).

-Origin (OR)
To retrieve or set the Zero offset from the reference point (East is -90°)

Enables to pause the actual tracking mode for a specified time. (Maximum ten hours)

-Position (PO)
To retrieve or set the final position for all motors

-Power save (PS)
To retrieve or set the power savings mode (1=enabled, 0=disabled)

-Change protection (PW)
Allows or disallows modification to be done by the web interface to the configuration.

-Change password (PW)
Most of the set commands desire a password which can be changed here.

-Queue status (QS)
To see the actual queue status. (Every positioning command (PO) is queued)

-Restart sun tracking (RE)
Enables to restart the sun tracking

-Sun sensor scaling (SC)
To retrieve or set the scaling factor for each sun sensor quadrant along with the nominal scaling of the

-Serial Number (SE)
To retrieve the serial number of the SOLYS 2

-Sun Intensity (SI)
Retrieves the current sun intensity

-Sun speed (SP)
To retrieve or set the current sun speed. It is the speed at which the solar algorithm runs

-Sun sensing parameters (SS)
To retrieve or set the amount of time over which each sun observation takes place and the intensity level
below which the sun is deemed to be obscured.

-Steps per revolution (ST)
To retrieve or set, from permanent memory, the number of stepping units in a complete revolution for all