Kipp&Zonen SOLYS 2 Sun Tracker User Manual

Page 47

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3. The SOLYS2 can be connected to you PC directly or via a LAN. Choose one of these methods.

a. Direct connection: connect the SOLYS2 to the PC with an Ethernet UTP cross-cable. Alternatively a

switch may be used to connect both, using 2 straight Ethernet UTP cables.

b. LAN connection: connect the SOLYS2 and the PC to the LAN using straight UTP cables. A DHCP

server must be active on the LAN for the SOLYS2 to be able to obtain an IP address.

4. Start Safari and open Bonjour from the Command Bar. The Bonjour window is opened, showing devices on

the network.

When the bonjour option is not visible in the command bar please check the settings within Safari

This preference screen can be accessed directly using the shortcut SHIFT+, (SHIFT and COMMA)

Or by pressing the

icon, and select preferences, the preference screen can be opened.