Hanna Instruments PCA 300 Series User Manual

Page 20

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Recorder Output

Recorder output connections are made as indicated on the
picture aside. The control panel must be opened.

A wiring access hole is located on the left side of the instru-
ment case. Use two wire shielded cable with the shield
connected at the analyzer end only. This wire access hole
should be used only for recorder or serial I/O cables (low
The recommended recorder hookup uses a
shielded, twisted-pair cable. The shield
should be connected to Earth terminal at
the instrument end and left open at the re-
corder end. Refer to the drawing here for
proper wire connections.
To operate with this hookup, the following conditions are re-
quired at the recorder end:

• The input to the recorder must be isolated from the chassis

ground (earth) of the recorder;

• If the recorder has more than one input, they must be dif-

ferential inputs.

A choice of outputs, 0-10mV, 0-100mV, 0-1V or 4-20 mA
may be made by selecting the appropriate DIP switch con-
figuration. The DIP switch is located in the upper right corner
of the main board on the back of the control panel.




